Instructions to Authors
The Institutum
Canarium will only accept documents that are completely delivered as computer
files. For more details, please refer to the following list (status 10/2003):
1. Text and/or
file form
We need
files which have been generated using Microsoft Word (.doc) and which
are stored on disks (1.4 MB) or CDs. Files generated in Rich Text Format
(.rtf) are also acceptable.
enclose a hard copy of the file in A4 format with the file.
If possible,
please only use one type of font. If you use several fonts, this must
be stated and the corresponding characters/words which are not formatted
with the main font must be highlighted in red.
format without manual word separation; new lines only for new paragraphs.
any photos, graphics and drawings in TIF or JPG format (do not compress
too heavily); they will be inserted in a pictures section at the end
of the essay. Do not forget to number and/or allocate or supply the
titles of the pictures. Hard copies cannot be accepted.
ensure that the lines used for any frames for pictures and graphics
are thick enough for the subsequent reduction (in order to avoid the
lines disappearing).
2. Approved
- German,
English, French and Spanish are all approved languages.
- German
texts must be written using the new German grammar rules.
3. Notes
about content
Each essay
should include a short summary (abstract, resumen, résumé)
of about 5-8 lines, if possible in all languages but definitely in the
home language.
4 - 5
key words in English must be included in every essay.
The essay
title and capital headings must always be written in upper and lower
case letters.
do not make foot notes, instead make comments at the end of the essay;
please indicate the comments by means of numbers in brackets within
the text. Example: (45) Do not use high numbers or square brackets for
No bold
lettering and no blockages in the text; italic lettering may be used.
references in the text in upper and lower case letters. Example
... (Müller 1990: 22-24) ... or ... Müller (1990: 22-24) ...
literature references in alphabetical order of authors at the end of
the essay comprising: Author (surname first), year of publication, essay
or book title, publication series with year and/or number, issuer or
institution (poss. publishing company), publication location (mention
actual year of publication if different from year), page number(s).
Rahn, Gottfried (1990): Vom Auftauchen der Schrift.- Almogaren XX/1/1/1989
(Institutum Canarium), Hallein 1990, 181-197
Rothe, Peter (1986): Kanarische Inseln.- Sammlung Geologischer Führer
Nr. 81 (Borntraeger), Berlin - Stuttgart, 226 S.
Schwidetzky, Ilse (1976): The prehispanic population of the Canary Islands.
- in Kunkel, G. (Ed.): Biogeography and ecology in the Canary Islands.-
Monographiae Biologicae Vol. 30 (W. Junk), The Hague, 15-36
A different type of literature reference is only possible within the
scope of the comments section. Only list referenced literature unless
this has been expressly declared as a bibliographic overview. Please
state the complete number of pages of monographs as the reader can then
come to his own conclusions - for example about the content depth and
the amount of copying involved.
4. Schedules
5. Editorial
editorial team reserves the right to refuse any pictures which are
difficult to interpret or are unclear.
submitted work must always be first publications or at least revisions.
There is no automatic entitlement to publication.
liability is accepted for submitted documents.
authors bear the sole and complete responsibility for the content
of their essays.
authors will punctually receive a PDF file for correction; you will
need to install Acrobat Reader to read these files (available free-of-charge
Authors acknowledge that the mechanical and digital copyrights of a manuscript,
presented to the Institutum Canarium (IC), pass over to the IC as soon as the IC has
produced a printed or digitized version of this article (IC layout). Not affected
hereof are versions/layouts of the text in publications of other editorials.
6. Address
Editorial Office
Redaktion IC
Grabenstr. 30/1
71404 Korb